
Type 2 Diabetes and the Original Gluathione Formula™: One Affiliate’s Story

Diabetes Medical Disease Symptoms Blood Concept

Imagine a moment in your doctor’s office, where one diagnosis meant that many of your favorite foods were no longer on the list of things you could eat, without health consequences?  For people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, the diagnosis represents other intimidating, and sometimes frightening concerns that change their lives overnight. Some people see the diagnosis coming, and I was one of those people.  My father was diagnosed with diabetes in his late forties, after a mild heart attack that placed him in the hospital.  I still remember running from my office to my car, so that I could go home and meet my family in emergency.  What the doctors told us that day not only changed my father’s life, but also changed our whole family.

My father was a diabetic and didn’t know it.  While we didn’t seem to have a history of diabetes in the family, we did have a history of members who didn’t like to go to the doctor.   Was it possible that there were many undiagnosed members of our family who died as a result of diabetic complications?  The doctor seemed to think so.

At the age of thirty, I started to get an A1C test every six months, and by the age of thirty-four, without ever testing as pre-diabetic, I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. Obesity was a factor in my diagnosis.  At the time, I was a size twenty-four, and weighed approximately 270 pounds, on a 5’ 5” frame.  Our favorite Italian foods were pasta, bread, cakes, cookies, potatoes and in addition to having a cultural preference for carbohydrates, I had a gargantuan sweet tooth as well. I struggled for over a decade to resolve my high-glucose.  I would give myself a D- in diabetes care, because I detested taking pills, I hated supplements, and I disliked eating on a schedule.  I could go all day and not eat traditionally, fueling my day on high-calorie caffeinated beverages.   I developed chest pains and a mild heart concern involving high-blood pressure and arterial thickening, which was enough to scare me into action. From 2006 to 2009, I lost 65 lbs and have kept it off.  I went from a woman’s plus-size 24 to a regular size 16 and I am still working on losing more weight to achieve a healthy BMI.  Today, I weigh 210 lbs, and I am working toward a final goal of 160 lbs., and counting down my “final fifty”.

I refined my diet and leaned toward a plant-based informal vegan diet, and saw my numbers regulate to normal levels, but I had other women’s health conditions that worsened after I became diabetic, and in 2012 I tested positive for 67% precancerous cells (cervical), which required radical surgery.   That too became another wake up call to address other health aspects, including diet and nutrition, stress (I had a five-hour daily commute in Toronto, Canada) and medication (and vitamin) adherence. I didn’t really understand or have faith in the value of nutrition and supplements.  My family was casual at best with their own nutritional regimens, and the importance of nutritional supplements was not taught to me until much later in life.    Like many diabetics, I have a book of rollercoaster readings that make me feel stressed, upset and sometimes proud (when I manage to stay in norms over the long term).  And I try not to think about what is waiting for me down the road health wise, if I don’t continue to improve my daily wellness habits.   It is both frightening and an opportunity to see if I can regulate my nutrition to reduce my medication, and reduce my risk factors.

I am now a step-mom of twin boys and a wife.  My health means even more to me now that I have my own family, than it ever has before. I wanted to submit my story because I know that the Original Glutathione Formula™ has had a tremendous impact on my ability to regulate my blood glucose.   When I was introduced to the product, it was by an Affiliate who had seen the results of it on family members who battled reproductive and other types of cancer.  I was a skeptic at best, but I reluctantly started to take OGF™ on a daily basis.  Three years later I know it is the single best thing (aside from reducing my carbohydrates and taking my medications regularly) that I have done to reduce the health risks associated with early onset Type 2 Diabetes.

My husband Kevin and I are Affiliates, and promote RobKellerMD® products because we both take them, and they work for us.  The auto-ship is convenient, and it arrives at my husband’s office every month, which makes it easy to stay on track with my supplements. If you are having trouble lowering your glucose and stabilizing it within normal ranges, I recommend that you talk to your doctor about OGF™ as a nutritional supplement.  You can print off the ingredient list off the website and take it with you.   I remember my doctor was really impressed, and had already heard of Dr. Robert Keller and his research. Do some reading about the impact of increased glutathione on moderating glucose, take OGF™ every day for three-months and record your numbers.   If your experience is like mine, you’ll be excited about the results you achieve with a regular medication schedule, and your daily Original Glutathione Formula™. Read the importance of Glutathione & your immune system.

Lori Ann Reese  (Texas) 2016

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