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  • OGF® Glutathione Supplement Lifestyle Jogging

  • OGF® Glutathione Supplement

Increase Glutathione
Levels up to 200%*

The #1 Original Glutathione Formula®

OGF®: Original Glutathione Formula is a broad spectrum Glutathione supplement that replenishes antioxidant defenses, protects the body's cells from free radicals, boosts the immune system & protects lung health.

₱ 3,000.00

Single Bottle
180 Capsules

Call To Order: +63 928-195-7288




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Glutathione Increase




Day Supply


Glutathione Increase

RKMD Original Glutathione Formula®

5 Ways

OGF Increases Glutathione


Activating Nrf2, signaling your body
to make Glutathione.


Providing the essential ingredients your
body needs to make Glutathione.


Enhancing nutrient absorption.


Recycling existing Glutathione.


Maximizing enzymatic reactions
promoting glutathione synthesis.

RKMD Original Glutathione Formula®

Benefits of OGF®

Benefits - Lung Health

Organ Function

Improves Organ Function N-acetyl L-cysteine (NAC) helps to replenish intracellular glutathione. It has proven to be an efficient oral source of glutathione as it is well absorbed by the intestine and readily converted to glutathione. Glutathione is more concentrated in the liver and the lungs. Your lungs are exposed to everything in the air you breath. NAC has been shown to favorably promote antioxidant activity in the lungs and support the lung’s normal response to inflammation.
Benefits - Boosts Energy Levels

Glutathione Levels

Glutathione The Supreme Antioxidant Glutathione is a critically important antioxidant involved in the maintenance of optimal cellular function. In contrast to other antioxidant proteins such as SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase) or Catalase, Glutathione is a unique tripeptide that aids in neutralization of many different types of free radicals produced within the cell.
Benefits - Protect Cells & Immune System


Toxin Elimination Your body relies on Glutathione to scavenge and neutralize cell damaging toxins. We all experience daily exposure to a wide variety of toxins such as industrial chemicals, electromagnetic radiation, pollution, pesticides, fertilizers, processed foods and treated water. Original Glutathione Formula™ enhances your body's ability to scavenge and neutralize cell damaging toxins.
Benefits - Activate Nrf2


Protects Cells Like a microscopic workforce of a million particles, your cells come in a variety of sizes and each has a unique function. Start by taking a deep breath and exhaling. Through your lungs the oxygen particles have been absorbed and transferred to blood cells, which carry the oxygen to every part of your body that needs it, including major organs, the brain, muscle tissue and nerves. And that breath is just one of hundreds of thousands of similar functions or exchanges that happen at the cellular level each day, to keep you thinking, moving, eating, digesting and in good health. Just as your cells are able to carry oxygen and other materials to your body through your blood stream, they are also susceptible to carrying negative elements, such as oxidants that attach to healthy cells and impede their functioning.
Benefits - Boosts Mental Clarity

Mental Clarity

Enhances Brain Function As your body's most important antioxidant, Glutathione is very important in the overall health and peak function of the brain, including memory and mental acuity. The brain consumes more calories per ounce than any other organ in the body, and as a result, is also responsible for an equally high level of free radical formation. In order for the brain to function at optimum efficiency there needs to be adequate levels of Glutathione available to quench and eliminate these free radicals as quickly as they are formed. Daily supplementation with Original Glutathione Formula™ may assist your body in maintaining healthy levels of Glutathione, providing your brain with the resources it needs to operate at optimal efficiency.
Benefits - Boosts Energy Levels

Energy Levels

Increases Energy and Endurance Loss of energy and stamina, though often age related, can also be brought about by poor nutrition, lack of proper sleep, elevated levels of physical or emotional stress and depleted Glutathione in your body. Glutathione increases your cells efficiency; The more efficiently each cell in your body operates, the more ATP (energy) it can produce, the more ATP your cells produce, the more energy you will have available. Daily supplementation with Original Glutathione Formula™ may help to restore normal healthy levels of Glutathione, restoring your ability to work and play at full capacity.
Benefits - Protect Cells & Immune System

Immune System

Enhances Immune System Function Glutathione is the body's primary antioxidant and is found in elevated concentrations into our 20's. As we age, the natural levels begin to decrease. Original Glutathione Formula™ increases the body's natural production of Glutathione, strengthening your body's mechanisms of detoxification and immune function.
Benefits - Activate Nrf2


Signals Cell to
Activate Nrf2
Since Nrf2 is dormant in the cell, it requires an activator to bond to the nucleus (central control system) of the cell. This function is known as the Antioxidant Response Element or the (HARE) Human Antioxidant Response Element. Much like unlocking a door with the right key, once openedNrf2 (which is present in every cell) is mobilized into action. The protein Nrf2 is literally a ‘wake-up call’ to mobilize your body’s natural immunological cytoprotective defenses at the cellular level. When Nrf2 is released into the body, it also activates other antioxidants which work synergistically to released into the body, it also activates other antioxidants which work synergistically to combat free radicals and carcinogens that impede the healthy functioning of cells. This primal cellular survival tactic mobilizes all antioxidant resources available to remove and eliminate free radicals from the body, recycling powerful antioxidants like glutathione (which is recycled in the liver) to return and repeat the unending process.

Hundreds of OGF® Testimonials

How Do People Feel With More Glutathione?

Scientifically Proven Ingredients

Strategically Chosen & Formulated

Patented Glutathione Technology

Vitamin C is important for overall health & protects cells from oxidants and free radical damage.

NAC has been shown to relieve symptoms of respiratory conditions by acting as an antioxidant and expectorant, loosening mucus in your air passageways.

Quercetin is a natural flavonoid from plants that acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals that cause cellular & DNA damage.

Alpha Lipoic Acid helps prevent certain kinds of cell damage in the body, and also restores vitamin levels such as vitamin E and vitamin C. Alpha-lipoic acid can also recycle "used" antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin E, and a potent amino acid compound known as glutathione.

OGF® Additional Information

Activate NrF2 Pathways

Activate Nrf2

Activate your pathways

Inside every cell in the human body is a protein that is called Nrf2. You may have heard of the ‘Nrf2 pathway’ in scientific studies that evaluate the role of an oxidant functioning within the body, and how to best optimize the human body’s natural mechanisms for cleansing free radicals.

Activate NrF2 Pathways

More Benefits

Glutathione plays many roles

Glutathione is important in the overall health & peak function of the brain, including memory and mental acuity.

Studies have shown that individuals who live 100+ years have naturally high levels of Glutathione.

Glutathione strengthens your body's mechanisms of detoxification & immune function.

Glutathione increases cell ATP production, the more ATP available in cells the more energy available to your body.

Enhances Immune System Function Glutathione is the body's primary antioxidant and is found in elevated concentrations into our 20's. As we age, the natural levels begin to decrease. Original Glutathione Formula™ increases the body's natural production of Glutathione, strengthening your body's mechanisms of detoxification and immune function.
Anti-aging Glutathione levels in the body begins to decline in our early 20's and progressively decline as we age. The cause of this decrease may be the body's inability to produce Glutathione as efficiently as we age or it might be that the body requires more Glutathione as we get older. Interestingly, certain studies have shown that individuals who have lived 100+ years have naturally high levels of Glutathione. Original Glutathione Formula™ can help you feel and look younger by restoring normal healthy levels of Glutathione. The result: Increased vitality, health and wellness.
Increases Energy and Endurance Loss of energy and stamina, though often age related, can also be brought about by poor nutrition, lack of proper sleep, elevated levels of physical or emotional stress and depleted Glutathione in your body. Glutathione increases your cells efficiency; The more efficiently each cell in your body operates, the more ATP (energy) it can produce, the more ATP your cells produce, the more energy you will have available. Daily supplementation with Original Glutathione Formula™ may help to restore normal healthy levels of Glutathione, restoring your ability to work and play at full capacity.
Reduction of Muscle Aches and Chronic Soreness In the first 10 minutes of aerobic exercise you burn as much as 40% of the available Glutathione in your muscle tissue. Muscle soreness occurs when you exercise in the absence of a sufficient level of Glutathione in your body. As a result of this Glutathione deficit your mitochondria may become oxygen starved resulting in Anaerobic Glycolysis, when the mitochondria burn sugar without oxygen to create energy. This causes the production and accumulation of lactic acid, which is responsible for the muscle pain we sometimes experience after a strenuous workout. Original Glutathione Formula™ decreases accumulated lactic acid, which means you can have more pain-free workouts because your muscles recover more quickly.
Improves Internal Organ Function It is well known and established that Glutathione is present in every cell in your body, with elevated concentrations present in the tissue of your major internal organs. Glutathione is the body's primary antioxidant and detoxifier, capable of doing the job of all of your body's other available antioxidants. Glutathione is also the only antioxidant that, once utilized, does not itself become a free radical. If your body's available Glutathione becomes depleted, the ability of your internal organs to counteract free radical damage and eliminate toxins may become compromised. Daily supplementation with Original Glutathione Formula™ may assist the body in maintaining or improving healthy levels of Glutathione.
Enhances Brain Function As your body's most important antioxidant, Glutathione is very important in the overall health and peak function of the brain, including memory and mental acuity. The brain consumes more calories per ounce than any other organ in the body, and as a result, is also responsible for an equally high level of free radical formation. In order for the brain to function at optimum efficiency there needs to be adequate levels of Glutathione available to quench and eliminate these free radicals as quickly as they are formed. Daily supplementation with Original Glutathione Formula™ may assist your body in maintaining healthy levels of Glutathione, providing your brain with the resources it needs to operate at optimal efficiency.
Promotes Healthy Skin The skin is the largest organ of the body and exerts a significant demand on your available supply of Glutathione. Your skin is the body's largest direct recipient of environmental stress. Skin is the first contact point for almost every environmental challenge (chemicals, toxins, pathogens, UV and other forms of radiation, abrasions, etc.). The ability to stave off these environmental insults is critical to maintaining good skin health and paramount in preserving good skin appearance. Original Glutathione Formula™ supports the body's ability to maintain normal healthy levels of Glutathione, helping your skin maintain its youthful radiance and elasticity.
Toxin Elimination Your body relies on Glutathione to scavenge and neutralize cell damaging toxins. We all experience daily exposure to a wide variety of toxins such as industrial chemicals, electromagnetic radiation, pollution, pesticides, fertilizers, processed foods and treated water. Original Glutathione Formula™ enhances your body's ability to scavenge and neutralize cell damaging toxins.

Patented Glutathione Technology

OGF®: Protect Your Cells eBook

Want more details? Want to know the science? Download the eBook!

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Patented Glutathione Technology

GMP Certified

RKMD supplements are manufactured in a GMP certified facility in compliance with international GMP standards.

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The Creator

Scientist, Physician & Creator

Dr. Robert H. Keller

Recognized as one of America's "Top Physicians in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 in the fields of Internal Medicine, Immunology and Hematology" by The Consumers' Research Council. He published more than 100 original articles in various scientific and medical journals and has been awarded several patents. This is the Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Robert Keller.


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We proudly offer a 100% Purity & Potency Guarantee.
This product has been manufactured and prepared in the USA by a GMP certified facility in strict conformance with industry and governmental standards. Purity and potency guaranteed. The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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