
New Research Suggests a Link to Antioxidants and Osteoarthritis Prevention

Models. On screen, x-ray of a knee arthrosis.

The most common joint disorder in the United States, among adults aged sixty-years or older, is osteoarthritis.  The painful condition impacts roughly 10% of senior males, and 13% of women, and the symptoms include pain, aching and joint stiffness that can greatly impact mobility, and activities of daily living.

Currently, there are more than thirty-million Americans living with the degenerative join disease, and it is the most commonly diagnosed form of arthritis worldwide.  Dr. Robert Keller’s early research into antioxidants and glutathione, linked low glutathione levels to many types of inflammation, gastrointestinal issues, and chronic disease.  And now, the medical community is discovering how antioxidants factor closely into joint inflammation.

New Research Insights into The Cause of Osteoarthritis

A new study was released by The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) in San Diego California, in February 2018, that points to an essential protein called FoxO (Forkhead box O).   The protein family FoxO is also responsible for crucial cellular processes, that impact stress resistance, metabolism, and longevity.

What is very interesting about this new study, is that the scientists discovered that FoxO deficiencies in mice, showed clinically consistent evidence of autophagy.  This is the process where every cell in the body, gets rid of damage materials and other cells, that it cannot repair.    Cellular expiration is a mechanism that occurs to retain only healthy, and well functioning cells, while removing those that can cause inflammation, health problems, and present a risk to the immune system.

Free radicals are absorbed into the body in a number of ways, from the air we breathe to the foods and beverages we drink.  Medications, lifestyle habits like smoking and environmental contributors like pesticides and pollution, become a health hazard, at the cellular level.   The free radicals attach themselves to healthy cells, and can cause it to function abnormally.

The loss of the essential FoxO protein demonstrates that free radicals also have a significant impact on joint health, factor into the risk of developing osteoarthritis.  Increased production (or ineffective removal) of free radicals in joint muscles, impair the body’s ability to grow and build new cartilage, while increasing both nerve and cartilage damage.

In the research study, mice that lacked FoxO proteins, were unable to produce adequate levels of an important second protein, called lubricin.  This is the protein that is responsible for building healthy cells and cartilage between bone joints, the primary cause of osteoarthritis.

What Can You Do to Reduce Your Risk?

If you have been experiencing increased joint pain in the knees, hands or lower back pain, talk to your doctor about your concerns.   Individuals with a family history of osteoarthritis should also monitor their condition with a primary care provider, and treat symptoms with a diet and exercise plan, to help restore cartilage and reduce further degeneration. Walking has many health benefits.

On a daily basis, we can all lower our risk of developing osteoarthritis with the following healthy choices:

Dr. Keller’s Original Glutathione Formula™ is an internationally recognized and patented supplement, that provides nutritional support, that can increase healthy levels of natural antioxidants (glutathione) in the body.   Help your body fight free radicals, with a nutritional approach every day, to help reduce inflammation and chronic diseases associated with aging, like osteoarthritis.

Talk to your doctor, to discuss whether OGF™ is right for you, or contact us to learn more about adding Dr. Keller’s daily antioxidant supplement to your nutritional health plan.


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