5 Fun Crafts to Do With Your Family When You Have to Stay Indoors
Children have an unending amount of positive energy, and they love learning and trying new things. When your family has to stay home because of weather, or health requirements, it does not take long for children to feel restless.
Right now, as we navigate the first global health pandemic we have experienced since 1918, children are being home schooled for their safety and parents are at home. Some are working while others are currently unemployed, but after more than month of quarantine protocols, you may be running out of ideas for fun things to do.
Crafts are always a fun thing to do with our families, but we know under normal circumstances, we do not always have the time to pull out the materials and make a mess with our children or grandchildren. With social distancing and time at home, parents can enjoy some creative time with their children and keep kids occupied, learning, and engaged in fun activities.
You may not have been able to convince them to do crafts with you before, but they will probably welcome the suggestion now. We would like to share 5 fun craft ideas you can do with your family, with ingredients or supplies that you might already have around your home.
Do you remember using your paper fortune teller in the playground with your friends? It is one of those fun childhood crafts that may have been eclipsed by things like Nintendo Gameboy and smartphones. Share a little bit of your childhood with this fun paper craft.
The paper fortune teller has also been called a chatterbox, salt cellar, whirlybird or paku-paku. It was introduced as a salt cellar in a book called “Fun with Paper Folding” by Murray and Rigney in 1928. What is old is new again, and the game also encourages children to use logic, it can improve social skills and it is a lot of fun!
Everyone has some stones in their backyard, or you can venture out in search of some great river rocks to use for this fun craft. Then all you need is some brightly colored paint, a pencil, and some Q-Tips to create some low-cost creative fun for yourself or for your children.
Thinking about what you will do with all those Picasso rocks? They make great gifts as a paperweight for any family member who works in an office. You can also use them decoratively in flower pots, or paint a series of flat stones with the names of your garden vegetables or herbs! If you plan to take them outside, do not forget to spray a waterproof shellac on them after the pain has dried, to prevent fading.
One thing that we are pretty sure every household has plenty of. Did you see how quickly toilet paper became the most-wanted grocery store item? In our minds we are envisioning some people with massive stock piles of toilet paper cardboard rolls or cores, and no idea what to do with them.
We found this video on YouTube on the “Go Green” channel. You would believe how many creative and useful things you can create from the cardboard your normally discard. Do not recycle it; upcycle it and make an afternoon of fun crafting for your family.
Do you have a few boxes of Q-Tips in your bathroom? Get ready to be creative and check out the fun and artistic things you can create with them. From cute baked dough hedgehogs, to gorgeous flowers in a vase.
Do a quick search in YouTube and you will be amazed how many beautiful things you can make with cotton swabs, a glue gun, food coloring and paint. You can also make snowflake holiday ornaments out of them (with a Styrofoam ball) and some glitter! You will be able to hang some custom family crafts on your tree or around your home this holiday season and give some away as homemade gifts.
What is it about glitter that makes us feel happy and whimsical? A fairy jar is similar to a lava lamp and children love to tip the bottle up and down to make different patterns that look more like starry constellations.
It is very easy to make this craft at home. Not many people have Glycerin in their craft box or kitchen. To make a Fairy Jar that is lit up takes a little extra work and some craft welding tools, but the result is a beautiful lamp that your child can use as a sleep light. The lightbulbs generate heat which activates the whirlpool like movement that keeps the lamp animated, for your child to enjoy.
The craft that we loved the most in this great video from “5-Minute Crafts” on #YouTube was making a candle out of a sterilized glove! How amazing is that? Every household with children (or grandchildren) has a box of broken crayons hiding somewhere. Did you know that you can melt them to create candles, or contemporary canvas art?
In this video you’ll find ideas to make candle votive holders, egg shell candles, and you can give your broken crayons new life, by melting them into forms (like little robots, or stars or another character shape) for coloring.
All it takes is a little imagination and scouting for some creative art supplies around the house, to repurpose things you would normally throw away into fun new art or items your family will use. If you try one of the crafts we’ve suggested with your family, share it with us on social @RobKellerMD or send us an email picture to info@robkellermd.com. We will share your craft or craft idea with our wellness community. We have also compiled a list of things you can do to take better care of yourself.