We all know that eating a balanced diet every day, is one of the most important fundamental habits we can develop to promote healthy aging. We also know that there are many challenges and obstacles that can make that goal difficult to achieve. It is not easy, however the results of prioritizing healthy eating are definitely worth the effort, and the benefits include longevity, reduced risks of chronic disease, improved energy and digestion, weight loss and healthy weight management, optimized hormonal balance and more.
If you are confident that you are reaching the nutritional benchmarks your body needs to stay healthy, that is a good start. But did you know that as much as 70% of the vitamins and minerals you consume may not be absorbed by your digestive tract? That means your body may only be benefiting from approximately 30% of the nutrition you consume through dietary sources every day.
That’s pretty surprising right? That’s why nutritional experts and physicians are working hard to educate about the obstacles to nutritional absorption, and how we can shift that balance by providing the body with the nutrient support it needs to utilize it.
There are noticeable signs when proteins and fiber are not being absorbed properly. Or when carbohydrates are not being processed to optimize energy burning (and reduce conversion of starches to fat). Malabsorption of nutrients creates bloating, gas and gastrointestinal discomfort and inflammation. One of the first signs you may notice is a change in bowel movements, and symptoms of diarrhea.
Other signs of malabsorption disorder include:
The complex machine that is the human body, tries to compensate for the lack of daily nutrients it is not absorbing by (you guessed it) triggering cravings to intake more calories. The strategy to ‘make you hungry’ even when you have just eaten, can be a sign that nutrient absorption is impaired. Even when you eat a healthy balanced diet, the net result of nutrients can be insufficient for your body’s minimum daily requirements.
So, when you hear about gastrointestinal absorption and G.I. health as an important aspect of healthy weight loss (or weight management) that is one of the important clinical aspects to consider. Your body may not be initiating the ‘hunger trigger’ because it is not satisfied; it may be asking for the essential proteins, minerals and vitamins it is not receiving, because of gastrointestinal inflammation and the real ‘bad guy’ impacting cellular health; free radicals.
At the cellular level, your body is fighting an impressive battle every day against environmental and lifestyle factors that inhibit nutrient absorption. Many people assume that all healthy dietary sources are fully optimized by the digestive tract; that might have been true for our early ancestors, but the impact of free radicals has a detrimental impact that limits our nutritional potential.
What are free radicals and where do they come from? From a clinical perspective, reactive oxygen species (ROS) or ‘free radicals’ are molecular cells with an unpaired electron in an atomic orbit. They are unstable and very reactive, and they are capable of donating an electron or accepting one from other molecules in the body. They either behave as oxidants or reductants.
Highly reactive free radicals or ROS that are prevalent with individuals who have chronic or serious health conditions include:
All free radicals that are created and absorbed into the body, have detrimental health impacts at the cellular level. Often, we aren’t aware of the symptoms or what that feels like because an excess of free radicals can have subtle signs; low energy, slowed hair and nail growth, indigestion, joint pain and inflammation and other symptoms that we tend to ignore, or resolve with other non-nutritional remedies.
Some lifestyle behaviors such as cigarette smoking (or tobacco use including nicotine vaping), highly processed foods with artificial preservatives, and chronic dehydration can all contribute to an imbalance of free radicals in the body. But many things we take for granted or as safe or unavoidable encounters throughout our day, including ozone exposure, industrial chemicals, air pollutants and even radiation exposure in the home (microwave) and medical X-rays, can expose our body to compounds that alter the enzyme and oxygen reactions of our cells, creating free radicals.
So, what do free radicals have to do with poor nutrient absorption? They have a specific short list of molecules in the body that they target or feed off of. Free radicals seek out and absorb:
When you learn that free radicals attack those three important cellular building blocks in the body, you begin to understand how damaging they are to human health. They damage the normal functioning of cells and processes your body needs to fight disease, by robbing healthy cells of the proteins, fats and acids they require.
And after free radicals have damaged a cell, those cells can become the pathology basis for a number of serious chronic diseases, from Cancer to Huntington’s Disease, Alzheimer’s and Diabetes, as well as cardiovascular health risks. Free radicals create oxidative damage that impair cellular functioning, and virtually every living function and process within the body. Including reduced digestion, increased gastrointestinal inflammation, and impaired vitamin, protein, fiber and mineral absorption. Learn the difference between micronutrients and macronutrients.
Dr. Robert Keller, the founder of RobKellerMD® was an internationally recognized leader in immunology and hematology (awarded America’s Top Physician each year from 2003-2007). Dr. Keller was a faculty member of the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine and published over 100 clinical articles in medical journals.
What was landmark in his research and discussion about healthy aging, was the impact of free radicals on cellular health, and the link between oxidative damage to long-term health and wellness. The formulation of his nutritional supplement The Original Glutathione Formula® was so unique that it was awarded a patent. The supplement is the culmination of Dr. Robert Keller’s research to help restore antioxidant production with daily nutritional support.
RobKellerMD® has introduced a dietary supplement in 2018, that helps address nutrient absorption and optimize protein and carbohydrate metabolic utilization. Download the free e-book to learn more about Premium Enzyme Complex®.