Thanksgiving is behind us and Christmas looms ahead. The holiday season tends to be a retail and culinary splurge for most of us; leading to spikes in blood pressure and cholesterol, a ruined BMI and weight gain. You are what you eat and wrong dietary choices tend to haunt us in the long run. However, the holidays are meant to be enjoyed and they can be, without ruining your health. Read also: Ideas for fun family fitness.
The pursuit of good health should never ruin fun times. Eating right should never be a punishment. When the holidays come around it is okay to indulge as long as we have been taking care of ourselves the rest of the year. If you eat well and are active all year round, there is no need to be afraid of bad food a few days out of the year. Let the good times roll! If you look after yourself year round, your attitude about indulgent holiday eating will change. Indulgence could also mean indulgence in better foods, or bad food once in a way. What you eat most of the time affects your health more than what you eat sometimes. If you have routine physical activity, your fitness levels are not going to be affected by a little holiday eating.
To ensure that you stay on the right fitness track all year round, learn to love the foods that love you back. Once good habits are formed, it is hard to break them and soon, bad food will become unpalatable. Learn to indulge in wholesome foods that are good for you. Familiarize yourself with the nutrition values of all foods you eat and learn how to make better dietary choices. Trade your choices and put your taste buds through rehab. Have a regular intake of dietary supplements like the Original Glutathione Formula™ to keep yourself healthy and boost your immune system.
If you are routinely active all year round, you will find yourself bored at the idea of not exercising during the holidays. Your body will crave physical activity in any form – walking, biking, hiking or even dancing. The holiday is a perfect time to rope family members into exercising with you. The holidays must not only involve great food but also great activities. The combination is satisfying, fun and healthy.
We do not want holiday eating showing on our waistlines. However, we also do not want holiday cheer ruined because of our pursuit of health. Holidays are intended to be special and fun. However, we tend to overeat on a daily basis and then eat some more during the holidays. We have little or no exercise throughout the year and even less during the holidays.
Let us keep the holiday special and fun, as it is meant to be. Let us enjoy the great food and company. There is no need to feel guilty about holiday indulgence as long as we have been disciplined the rest of the year. Health is fun!