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A recently published study delved deep into the blood biomarkers present in individuals who live to reach their 100th birthday. As expected, individuals reaching the triple digits are healthier, but some findings of the study were shocking, and one, in particular, is exciting.

The follow-up of the Swedish AMORIS cohort found that certain biomarkers were present in most of those who lived to 100, but low levels of GGT (which result from high glutathione levels) were present in 100% of those making it to 100. So, to increase your longevity and remain active as you age, you should make sure your glutathione levels are addressed!

An Analysis of Blood Biomarkers in Centenarians

For the study, over 44,000 people were followed over the course of 35 years to find which biomarkers were associated with a longer life span. In particular, the researchers were looking for which blood biomarkers were seen most often in those who live to 100 or beyond.

Of the 44,636 individuals enrolled in the study, 1,224 (2.7%) made it to their 100th birthday, with 1,035 (84.6%) of these individuals being women and the other 189 (15.4%) being men.

Not only are centenarians living longer lives, but the study found that their lives were healthier. For example, those who made it to 100 had two times fewer comorbidities, or other underlying illnesses, than those who did not make it to 100. Additionally, they had consistently lower blood glucose levels than those who died before their 100th birthday.

Perhaps one of the most unexpected findings of the study was that those who lived to over 100 had consistently higher cholesterol levels, which is certainly not something that was expected to be seen. However, this finding suggests that the presence of other positive blood biomarkers is enough to override the high cholesterol seen in the centenarians.

Lower levels of inflammation were also observed through the blood biomarkers. In particular, the study found that those who lived to 100 had lower levels of uric acid than the participants who did not make it to the triple digits, with uric acid being an indirect biomarker for inflammation. So, the lower uric acid levels mean these centenarians had lower levels of inflammation throughout their body.

This was seen with other biomarkers for inflammation as well, such as gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), which was also lower in centenarians. This biomarker for inflammation is also associated with oxidative stress and is inversely correlated to glutathione levels. This means that when glutathione levels are high, it keeps GGT in check, whereas if glutathione levels decline––which happens naturally as we age––GGT can increase.

Since those who lived to 100 had lower levels of GGT, and we know of the connection between GGT and glutathione, it can be assumed that these seniors also had high levels of glutathione.

Most interestingly, the biomarkers associated with living to 100 were detected back when the individuals were 65. They might even appear earlier, but the study was limited to only being 35 years long. Still, these findings show that you can set the foundation for a long life now, no matter your current age. Inflammation and oxidative stress cause damage over time, so the best way to prevent this damage and the comorbidities that it can cause is by staying ahead of it and keeping your body healthy when you’re young. This way, your body can better keep disease and damage at bay.

How Does Glutathione Promote Healthy Living?

We’re not surprised that glutathione levels are associated with healthier and longer living, and it’s all because of the crucial defensive role glutathione plays in the body.

Glutathione is most commonly considered the body’s master antioxidant because of how important it is. As an antioxidant, one of its jobs is to neutralize free radicals, which are reactive species that cause damage. By neutralizing them, antioxidants, such as glutathione, prevent this damage.

This damage manifests most commonly as inflammation, which is not only associated with most age-related diseases but can also cause extreme discomfort. By neutralizing free radicals, glutathione helps to reduce inflammation, easing joint pain, muscle aches, and general soreness. So, not only will you feel better each day, but your body won’t be sustaining long-term damage that can lead to the formation of other diseases.

The Challenge with Glutathione Supplementation

This study provided significant proof that keeping up your glutathione levels is crucial for living a long and healthy life, but there’s a challenge to this. Namely, once in your 20s, your body’s ability to maintain high glutathione levels significantly declines.

So, you need enough glutathione levels to prevent oxidative damage and live longer, but pretty early in your life, your body’s production of glutathione diminishes––what do you do?

The answer is supplementation. However, there’s an important thing to know: generic glutathione supplementation often doesn’t make it to your bloodstream, making it essentially ineffective. The solution? Supplement the pieces your body needs to naturally produce glutathione, boosting its production level to that seen in your youth.

This is how Original Glutathione Formula (OGF) by RobKellerMD was designed, a supplement that works with your body to effectively replenish glutathione levels by supplementing what your body needs to produce glutathione.

Science has shown the success of this approach. By taking OGF, you can increase your glutathione levels by 200%, whereas other brands only increase glutathione levels by 35%. If you want to see the most significant impact from your glutathione supplement, you need OGF.

Want To Live Longer? Boost Your Glutathione

If you’re looking to improve your well-being and live a longer, healthier life, you don’t need a generic anti-aging supplement. Instead, what will offer the greatest benefit is a supplement that boosts what science has already proven to be associated with longer lifespans: glutathione.

By trying OGF, you are helping your body produce the very thing that will allow it to reduce inflammation and increase your longevity. And don’t forget, the study found that the blood biomarkers most common in centenarians were prevalent back when the participants were 65, and they are likely prevalent even before then. So, it’s never too early to start preparing your body for your 100th birthday, and OGF can help you get there.



Murata S, Ebeling M, Meyer AC, Schmidt‐Mende K, Hammar N, Modig K. Blood biomarker profiles and exceptional longevity: comparison of centenarians and non-centenarians in a 35-year follow-up of the Swedish AMORIS cohort. GeroScience. Published online September 19, 2023. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11357-023-00936-w
















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