According to the World Health Organization (WHO) tobacco products kill approximately 5 million people annually, worldwide. Tragically, 600,000 deaths annually are non-smokers who contract diseases or health implications from second hand smoke. The latest data ...
We all sleep, but is it healthy sleep? You may be surprised to learn that according to research by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the National Sleep Foundation, unhealthy sleep behaviors ...
Summer is here and we’re busy making plans for barbecues, picnics and outdoor fun. As the days get longer and warmer, our activity levels often increase and our dietary needs change. Some of the important ...
Beautiful weather, vacation time and retirement bring thoughts of rest and relaxation. Imagine yourself basking on a sandy beach or swinging in a hammock by a lake. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? But it’s important to ...
Warm weather means more outdoor activities, and we want to look healthy and attractive,with shiny hair and glowing skin. Many people bake in the sun or lie in a tanning bed in order to achieve ...
When you are feeling tired, what kind of snack do you reach for? We are all tempted to use convenience snacks to bridge the gap between meals, but often the most affordable and accessible snacks ...
Since 60% of your body and cellular structures are composed of water, hydration is an essential part of a healthy immune system, organ functioning, digestion and more. Did you know that by the time you ...
Getting outdoors is both beneficial and fun, especially when shared with family or friends. But convincing your family to get less “screen time” and more fresh air can be a challenge in today’s connected society. ...
Understanding the role of antioxidants in anti-aging and wellness is essential for everyone, whether you are in your early 20’s or late seventies. Health starts at the cellular level and the most important thing you ...
Did you know that Alzheimer’s Disease is not a normal part of aging? While age is a contributing factor to the disease, a diagnosis can be attributed to poor health and wellness management and lifestyle ...