Somewhere along the way in North America, we began to value quality sleep less, as we glorified the art of being ‘busy’. How many times have you heard someone proudly boast about going one or ...
Daily nutritional supplements matter, unless you are 100% certain that you are getting full nutritional benefit (every day) from high quality dietary sources. Clinical research has revealed that due to free radicals (including smoke, pollutants ...
It’s uncomfortable, inconvenient and sometimes embarrassing (particularly if you are looking for a bathroom 2-3 times per hour). Urinary tract infections can be a painful experience, and a prompt consultation with a physician, can help ...
CrossFit was branded and created by Greg Glassman and Lauren Jenai, in 2000, and they were established professional trainers and the owners of CrossFit, Inc., in Santa Cruz California. About half of the CrossFit studios ...
Denise Harrison is the Director of Marketing, at RobKellerMD® When Denise turned 40, she decided that she was going to revolutionize her fitness and stamina, by challenging herself to a goal that seemed almost impossible ...
Two decades ago, the medical community understood very little about the health benefits of antioxidants and glutathione. Within the last ten years however, thanks in part to research and speaking engagements that our founder, Dr. ...
Many fitness centers have one or two pieces of equipment, that look like miniature trampolines, but you do not often see people using them. The ambiguous piece of equipment looks like it is there for ...
If you are over the age of fifty years, you may have started to notice some change in memory functioning. The medical community once felt that memory impairments were a ‘natural’ part of aging, but ...
If you, or someone you loved were having a heart attack, would you know the symptoms? One of the most important things to remember about cardiac events, is that a quick response and medical intervention ...
When you visit the grocery store, do you stare at the handle of the cart, like it is an oncoming battle between the germs in public places, and your immune system? Never are we more ...